Smile More Confidently With Invisible Dental Braces

Malocclusions or aberrant placements of the tooth have troubled humans for so long. Typically, dental braces are used to treat such conditions, but they cause discomfort and irritation perpetually throughout the process. The need for eliminating pain during teeth straightening created a set of aligners.

Invisalign are clear aligners made up of polyurethane compounds that eradicate the pain and embarrassment associated with metal braces. These brackets are custom made to improve the anterior posture of a tooth by offering a convenient and pliable solution for cosmetic dentistry.

Mode of procedure 

The initial consultation involves a calibration to decide if the dental condition is eligible for this treatment. If that case is resolved, a digital impression of the teeth is taken for research purposes, and this impression is used to calculate every desirable result, and a manufacturer receives a copy of a scan & prepares a prototype model based on that.  

This model is then examined for any necessary alterations and variations, any changes found are notified to the fabricator, and a final product is constructed based on specified modifications. Invisalign treatment utilizes computer-aided software for this pre-treatment process.

These aligners are made from a thermoplastic substance that induces gradual pressure to move those teeth into place. Finished Invisalign is positioned into the tooth without any adhesive compounds or attachments, for better fitting a scaling procedure called interproximal reduction is performed to remove any excess enamel to achieve better crowding.

These trays need the use of 22 hours a day without any exception for better results; a person is required to change the braces for every two weeks. Each bracket is narrower than the other inducting pressure on the upper jaw alignment for proper reshaping. A periodical appointment with the dentists is advised to monitor progress.

Beneficial Qualities 

Invisalign is considered as a comfortable treatment when compared with braces; root canal procedure and dental implant surgery. It offers a convenient solution in contrary to other excruciating remedies.

Another primary advantage is the invisibility factor, hence avoiding any uncomfortable and awkward situations. Invisalign offers a clear alternative solution for tooth straightening that doesn’t involve wearing any inconvenient metal wires throughout the entire process. 

A person can also remove the tray during oral cleaning activities as it is detachable. This particular feature is prominent as dental hygiene is vital for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. 

Author Bio 

Dr. Fouad Alethawy is a cosmetic dentist at Monalisa Dental Centre, his 25 years experience in this field enables him to provide superior treatments to all of his patients, and he is passionate about restoring the dental health and appearance in all cases.


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